Tag Archives: tales from the bully box

Tales from the Bully Box Now Available

BullyBox_FrontCover-3I am pleased to announce the release of Tales from the Bully Box, a middle grade anthology of super awesome stories for the super awesome kids in your life. If you know a kid, have a kid or love a kid, please check out this new book which aims to open communication between kids and their parents/peers/teachers.

Excerpt: Bullying stinks, but knowing what to do about it can make things better. In Tales from the Bully Box, you will find short stories about kids just like you. They get bullied, and sometimes they even bully. But most of the time, they are bystanders who have to figure out what to do when they witness the bullying all around them. In “Hailey’s Shooting Star,” one-handed Hailey proves her worth on the basketball court and as a friend. In “The Eyes on the Back of My Head,” you’ll get to stare straight into Mike Mansky’s soul with a pair of super-secret laser eyes. Filled with stories that take readers on a journey from the classroom to summer camp and the basketball court to the mall, Tales from the Bully Box inspires kids to be the best friends they can be.

Questions from the authors are included for each story to help parents, teachers or caregivers engage in discussion with the children they love.

This is the first book in a the Colors for Causes series by Elephant’s Bookshelf Press. EBP will donate proceeds to organizations that support bully prevention.

To find out how you can help stop bullying, check out The Bully Box or PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center.

I hope you enjoy reading the stories as much as I enjoyed editing them.


P.S. Did I mention I have 3 short stories included as well? Lucky for me, my publisher edited those!

Cover Reveal: Tales from the Bully Box

Available Soon!

Thanks, Sarah Tregay, for the beautiful cover to an exciting middle grade anthology.  You Rock!

Thanks, authors, for your inspiring stories. Some of them brought me to tears!

Thanks, Bully Box Brigade, for putting together an informative website for kids, parents and teachers. The Bully Box is filled with fun stuff for youth, helpful hints for parents and educational info for teachers, as well as ordering discounts for classrooms.

Thanks, Elephant’s Bookshelf Press, for kicking off your Colors for Causes campaign with the color orange and its theme of bully prevention. I love that you are donating money to help make this world a better place.

Thanks, PACER, for making October a month of awareness for how we treat others. You also rock!